
Price Paid! My dog was dog-napped! The dog-nappers wanted twenty-five dollars for his safe return. The dog-nappers dog-napped a mutt. Why they thought he was worth twenty-five dollars was beyond me. I like that dog, though. I’m sure the dog-nappers understood that. They were confident I would pay the ransom to get my dog back. Was he worth the money? No. Did I pay the price? Yes (fictitious story).

 My Ransom! I was soul-napped. The soul-napper wanted my soul but would give it up for a price. The soul-napper nappering me was evil, the devil. Without someone paying the cost of ransom, I would be separated from God forever, without hope, life, or light. Was I worth the price? I would have to say, “No,” however, the owner of my soul thought I was worthy. He did not want me to suffer hell.

There was no way I could pay the ransom! What value do you place on someone’s soul? Whatever the price, I couldn’t afford it. Jesus paid my ransom, though, by shedding His blood. That was the cost of my freedom from the soul-napper. If Jesus would shed His blood, then I would be set free. The price was paid. His blood was the only price that could free me. The blood of animals wouldn’t suffice. Only the precious blood of Jesus the Lamb would do.

Redeemed! Redemption is the act of paying the ransom. I was repurchased from the soul-napper. I was redeemed. The Redeemer, Jesus Christ, paid the ransom for me. God displayed Jesus, the Redeemer, as the sacrifice for all sin, Romans 3:25. He did this because He loves me. Jesus paid for sins previously committed to show that He, God, was righteous and fair. He also did this to be the justifier of anyone who believes in the power of Jesus’ blood, Romans 3:26.

Made Right! We are made right with God when we believe in Jesus’ blood sacrifice, Romans 3:28, and obey His plan for salvation, Hebrews 5:9.  There is no other way to be redeemed from the devil.

Garland Van Dyke


Matthews St. church of Christ, PO Box 1522, Bay City, TX 77414

You’re always welcome to attend worship with us on Sundays at 10:30 AM.

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Matthews St. church of Christ

Garland Van Dyke

Call us at: 979.245.8782 or 979.318.2463

PO Box 1522

1915 Matthews St.

Bay City, TX 77414

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