You Are Welcome To Join Us!

When You Attend – People will say Hi to you and ask about your place in the community. We’re not nosy or gimmicky. We just want to get to know you. You may sit wherever you like. No one owns the pews, so don’t worry about sitting in someone’s place. You’re in a safe place. We won’t embarrass you or make you feel uncomfortable. You’re free to ask questions or make statements during Bible Class (9:30 AM each Sunday). If you don’t mind, please fill out a visitor’s card.

Worship – We worship God the way the New Testament directs (10:30 AM). The only way to know we’re doing what God wants is by patterning our worship after that in the New Testament. We sing songs from a songbook placed in the holder in front of you. We sing without musical instruments; it’s the way New Testament Christians worshipped, and it’s the only music authorized in scripture. We also pray during our services. We have an opening prayer, prayers for the Lord’s Supper, and a closing prayer. We take the Lord’s Supper each Lord’s Day Sunday, because that’s what Christians did in the New Testament, Acts 20:7. We give to the church treasury to take care of the matters of the church (as a visitor, you don’t have to share, only if you want to). We hear Bible preaching; we have no creeds, no statements of faith, nor any document. You can see the sermon presented using a slide show so that it’s easy to follow and understand.

We Want You With Us – We want you to join us for every Bible study and worship! If you want, you can join us for a study in one of our homes, or we can come to see you at your home, whatever you’d like. We are online at @matthewsstreetchurchofchrist (that’s Facebook) and For more info, contact Garland at

Contact Us

Matthews St. church of Christ

Garland Van Dyke

Call us at: 979.245.8782 or 979.318.2463

PO Box 1522

1915 Matthews St.

Bay City, TX 77414

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