15 Things to Know About the Heart

1. The Pure in Heart will see God (Matthew 5:8)

2. Where your treasure is there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21)

3. Hearts can become spiritually dull leading to condemnation (Matthew 13:15)

4. You can believe you’re worshipping God but in realty not so (Matthew 15:8)

5. The evil that comes from the heart defiles a man (Matthew 15:18-19)

6. You must forgive from the heart or not be forgiven (Matthew 18:35)

7. You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heat (Matthew 22:37)

8. Do not let your heart be troubled, believe in God and Jesus (John 14:1)

9. Your heart will rejoice when you see Jesus (John 16:22)

10. You can be pierced to the heart by sin (Acts 2:37)

11. If you believe with all your heart that Jesus is the Christ you may be baptized (Acts 8:37-38)

12. God knows your heart (Acts 15:8)

13. The unrepentant heart stores up wrath in the day of judgement (Romans 2:5)

14. God loves a cheerful giver who so purposed in his heart to give (2 Corinthians 9:7)

15. We make melody to the Lord with our heart (Ephesians 5:19)

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Garland Van Dyke

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