About Us

Matthews St. church of Christ in Bay City, TX, is a group of Christians who warmly and lovingly seek to do all things according to the Bible. We are a New Testament church meeting every first day of the week, Sunday, just as Christians did in the Bible, See Acts 20:7, NASB. We sing without musical instruments, Ephesians 5:19, NASB, according to God’s word, just as they did. We support the church financially; see 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, NASB. We pray as the Apostle Paul directed in 1 Timothy 2:1-4, NASB. We share the Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:23-25, NASB, a time to remember and reflect on the Lord’s death, burial, and resurrection.  We also hear the preaching of God’s word, 2 Timothy 4:2, NASB. All these activities are worship acts of the first-century church.

You are always welcome to our services in Bay City, TX. We offer many Bible-based opportunities for your personal growth!

Exploring Faith

You want to grow your faith. Any Bible-believing person would. We welcome your questions. Any opportunity to share God’s word is an opportunity to serve Jesus. You connect with the Scriptures here and see how they apply to your life. Check out our Topics page to see a list of articles we offer. Whatever faith questions you have, we will always give you Bible answers. We don’t want to mislead you or give you incorrect answers. Romans 10:17, ESV, states, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Faith grows as we study God’s word.

Getting to heaven to be with our Lord is our greatest goal; the only way we know how to do that is through the Bible.

If you’re in the Bay City, TX area, we’d be happy to share the scriptures with you, at your convenience, at the church building, at a public place conducive to visiting and sharing, or at home. Just contact Garland at Matthews St. church of Christ. He’ll help set up a time and place to meet.

We can always meet via email, Zoom, or a correspondence course. Just let us know what works for you.

Raising Children

Children are precious gifts, and no doubt, you’ll want Bible-based influences to raise your kids. First, if you’re visiting with us, be assured that your children are safe. Our teachers are excellent with kids, and we have Bible classes for all ages. Second, we give your children a Bible foundation for life, and we give you Bible information about a child’s spiritual growth, how godly moms and dads fill their role as parents, the value of family, and how each person fits into a working church.

If you’re online, we can always arrange a meeting with one of our Bible Teachers. We offer interactive real-time visits to see what the Scriptures say about children and parenting. Fill out the contact form and let us know how we may help.

Binding Wounds

We know life hurts. Relationships are sometimes painful. Marriages sometimes teeter on unraveling, significant life changes can damage our spirits, and disastrous natural events and circumstances steal our peace of mind.  

Too, every one of us has habits, hurts, and hang-ups that we bring to the table. God’s word is there for us. We believe in the power of Jesus’ word to uplift hearts. Our Father never abandons us, and Jesus is always with us. We read this from Psalms 119:105, ESV, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” In God’s word, we see the healing of heart and spirit in His love for us. Let’s share, contact us.

Entering Heaven

God calls us from the old, sinful person to a new person in Christ Jesus, 2 Corinthians 5:17, ESV. The Bible shows us the way to salvation. We can put away the hurtful things and begin living with a fresh, new perspective. You will find hope, light, sanctification, and love in the Bible. You’ll experience a new life at this church. We’re all in it together!

God’s word is the only thing that can change a person’s heart. No man-made system can do that. Over time, the world has had its effect on us. Sin is a reality in everyone’s life. Sin drags us down; we grow weary and need a Savior. The gospel is God’s power for salvation through Jesus, Romans 1:16, NASB, and in Him, we find the peace that “comes by giving all.” The Bible helps us move from the world of sin to the righteousness in Jesus, from weariness to peace. Heaven is the only place to be! Let us know how we may help

Making Friends

Need companionship? We all do. We look out for each other’s interests, Philippians 2:4, ESV. We build each other up by sharing His word and being with each other. Most importantly, we share the most precious things in the world. What’s that? It’s fellowship with our Lord Jesus and our brethren.

Your participation in Bible Study and worship enables you to grow friendships the world over. Our interconnected world offers healthy relationships to spiritually minded people. Please join us – use the contact form to let us know your interests.

Fulfilling Needs

We don’t employ slick marketing techniques to grab people. We don’t use rock bands or country singers. We reach souls the same as Jesus did. He started with people’s needs and drew them to Himself, pointing them to a life-long faith. If you’re spiritually blind, your eyes will be opened here. If you haven’t heard what Jesus said, this site is for you. If you’re spiritually lame, we will help you walk again. If your spirit is dead, we get you upright and living by God’s living word.

We endeavor to be a true church belonging to Jesus Christ. Our sign out front says, “church of Christ.” We don’t want that to mean we are one of many denominations. We want that sign to be the truth. We want to be the actual “church of Christ,” the church you read about in the Bible.

More Information? If you’re in the area, please, visit us at 1915 Matthews St. in Bay City, TX, at the times below. We’d love to see you! Send us an email. We’d love to hear from you!

Sunday9:30 AMBible Study
Sunday10:30 AMWorship
Wednesday10:00 AMBible Study at Colonial, an independent living facility in Bay City, TX
Wednesday7:00 PMBible Study
On Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/matthewsstreetchurchofchrist
EmailGarland Van Dyke, Minister, garland.churchofchrist@gmail.com
Blessings to you, friend! Find your way to us! We’ll share the Bible!

Our Elders

Mike Davis
David Huffman

Our Preacher

 Garland Van Dyke

Contact Us

Matthews St. church of Christ

Garland Van Dyke

Call us at: 979.245.8782 or 979.318.2463

PO Box 1522

1915 Matthews St.

Bay City, TX 77414

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