Dragon, Beasts, and Marks

Satan Tries To Destroy God’s Works

Satan tried to destroy everything! It’s true that through his influence, sin and death came into the world, Romans 5:12. He is a murderer and a liar from the beginning; Jesus said so in John 8:44. We know Satan is evil, and his one mission is to destroy humanity (he must be doing a good job). We see him pictured in Revelation 12:9 as a great red dragon. In that chapter, he tries to destroy the spiritual remnant of Israel and her offspring, Revelation 12:4.

 Satan, the dragon, gave power to two beasts. The first beast in Revelation 13:1-10 is made powerful by Satan. In this short article, we understand that the first beast is Imperial Rome, which has tremendous military and political might. This beast makes war with the Saints, Revelation 13:7. 

But there is a second beast, Revelation 13:11-17. This beast is spiritual adultery. Acts 20:28-31. At a time, Rome commanded that people worship the Emperor as a god. 

Those who do not worship the emperor suffer horrible persecution and murder. There were accounts of Christians being covered in oil, impaled, and set up as streetlights. Families were torn apart. Wild beasts killed Christians in the Colosseum of Rome. Some Christians were beheaded, some torn apart by horses, and other despicable acts occurred.

 There is also a mark. Those who do not worship the Emperor have a mark for not worshipping him. Of course, those who did not worship the emperor, the saints, undergo economic hardship. It is not easy to live when one cannot buy or sell. Food is scarce, as is clothing or work implements. The saints suffer great persecution from Rome. Rome has a totalitarian rule.

However, Jesus gives victory to the saints. Jesus destroyed Roman might by the influence of Christianity. The gospel shines through for all to see, Romans 1:16. The 144,000 of Revelation 14:1 represent the saints, i.e., anyone not worshipping the dragon or the beasts. The Saints have God’s name on their foreheads, Revelation 14:1. They worship God, and their reward is salvation and heaven. Blessed are those who die in the Lord, Revelation 14:12.

Three angels. Revelation 14 shows three angels and their work on earth. See Revelation 14:6-12. The first angel gives the gospel. The second shows Rome (Babylon) as destroyed. The third angel announces judgment on those who worship Rome. The chapter also pictures saints faithful to God and blessed for their patience in persecution. Their labor is known to God. These are blessed promises from our Lord and King. 

Garland Van Dyke



Matthews St. church of Christ, PO Box 1522, Bay City, TX 77414

You’re always welcome to attend worship with us on Sundays at 10:30 AM. 

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Matthews St. church of Christ

Garland Van Dyke

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