
For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously, and godly in the present age, Titus 2:11-12, NASB.

Just What Is Godliness?

By definition, godliness is a life devoted to God. From morning till evening, sunup to sundown, a godly person infuses his life with divine nature. It’s a 24/7 way of life.

A perfect person? No, of course not, but a person walking in the counsel of the Almighty asks forgiveness from his Father onthe occasion ofsin.

How Does One Become Godly?

Titus 2:11, NASB, states that godliness comes from God’s grace. Does that mean He gives grace to one but not another? No, God is not a respecter of persons, according to Romans 2:11, NASB. Everyone has access to our Father’s grace. Everyone. All one needs to do is to come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. One needs to reach the grace of God, through Jesus Christ, for the salvation of their soul.

Consider 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, NASB. We are washed (baptized to remove our sins), sanctified (made holy people,set aside for God’s service), and justified (made right by God). These vital points are possible by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. So then, we must be baptized to wash away our sins. When our sins are gone, we are spiritually pure.

Then, we are taught by the Scriptures to live a devoted life to God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is to be loved, Luke 10:27, NASB. Our fellow man is to be loved, according to the same verse. We are devoted to God through love.

So, Then, How Does One Love God?

One comes to love God through the lens of the Bible. Consider all the fantastic, good things God has done through the ages. God cared for Adam and Eve, the first man and woman. He took care of Abraham, and, in doing so, he took care of all souls through the eventual birth and life of Jesus. The Father freed the Hebrews from Egyptian bondage, leading them to a beautiful and productive land. He gave them laws to live by, good laws, for their benefit. God blessed them when they obeyed Him and took away blessings as they disobeyed.

Our Father gave the Hebrews a kingdom. It was strong and vibrant until they disobeyed morally in their treatment of one another and engaged in idol worship. Our Father gave prophets to themto turn them from their sins. And when they were wholly given over to idols, He allowed foreign nations to destroy their kingdom in punishment that He might bring back a remnant of godly people.

At the right time, God sent forth Jesus to redeem people from their sins. In keeping with Old Testament typology, Jesus was the perfect lamb for sacrifice. Jesus sacrificed His life so that we might live.

God always takes care of His people unless they want to go alone. God allows that. He permits that.

Now, but how do you and I come to love God? Specifically. Well, all the above statements have to do with you and me.

You see, I have sinned, and so have you. Should we pass in a sinful condition, we go to hell. Hell is described as a burning lake of fire. A hot skillet burns, and we put it down as quickly as possible. Our hand senses extreme pain. Imagine if our whole body was engulfed in fire. That’s indescribable. That’s too much for our minds to grasp.

But when we picture Jesus on that cross, we understand He took our place of punishment for our sins. Personally speaking, I should be the one on the cross, suffering for my sins and expecting to be cast into hell. But Jesus took my punishment upon Himself. He died in my stead. And He did the same for you, for everyone.

Romans 5:8, NASB, states: “But God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” God shows His love for us. He doesn’t want anyone in hell. So, He gave Jesus to die for us. His life for our life. His life for my life.

So, I readily accept God’s enormous gift of grace. I accept His love. He does so much for sinners, and the saved, every moment.

Read Romans 5:1-8, NASB, here. It’s excellent reading. Read Romans 8, NASB, here. It’s a great chapter.

Godly Living?

I’d rather live by the fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23, NASB, than in the deeds of the flesh, Galatians 5:19-21, NASB. I’d rather trust everything to God than try to bend life to my will, Philippians 4:6-9, NASB. I would rather live as a new person in Christ than in the dark sins of the world, Ephesians 4:17-32, NASB.

Godliness is living in God, in His way, honor, and praise.




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Garland Van Dyke

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