Going Far From the Bible

The one true doctrine from God has been delivered! Jude said so in verse 3 of his epistle. We know from the Bible that God’s revelation has been given, 2 Peter 3:2. There’s no more to be had. In this, the Mormons are greatly mistaken. We must heed His word on all spiritual topics, John 12:49. Not doing so is undoubtedly a sin, and sin brings forth eternal separation from God. God has given us what He wants us to know and do, Matthew 7:21.

Some have no proper knowledge of God in their religious activities; some do their own thing and call it biblical worship. Consider 2 John 9, “Anyone going too far, not abiding in the teaching of Jesus, does not have God.” And that’s a mighty powerful statement to levy at someone. If one goes beyond the teaching about and of Jesus, he does not have God.

Think of the “Christian” denominational world. How did these denominations come about? It was by the erroneous teaching of men (and women), and why did they go too far? They based their thoughts on the misunderstanding of the Bible. The Apostle Paul says this in Romans 16:18 – “For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.”

But “going too far” happens all the time. We can certainly see the number of abounding fractious churches, and we can also see saints corrupting God’s word for their pleasure. How unfortunate to watch digressive churches move away from the very One who would save them. They twist the Scriptures to their desires.

What, then, should we do? First, we should make every effort to speak the word of God accurately, 1 Peter 4:11. Doing this ensures our speech and spiritual activities are according to the Book. We don’t want to misrepresent God in any way. Second, we must diligently examine ourselves to ensure we are in the faith, 2 Corinthians 13:5, lest we fall short of God’s glory. We do not want to be among those holding God’s word in low esteem. We honor God by studying His word and doing His will according to His truth. Finally, with all supplication, prayer must be made for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, Matthew 6:10.

Make sure where you attend is practicing Bible doctrine in truth and sincerity, worshiping according to the word. Have you ever heard of praise teams? That’s a group of folks who lead a church during worship. They sing, dance, show a video, or have a light show during the music portion of the service.  Praise teams lead “worship” in ways God never ordained. If God’s word is delivered, folks should stick with it. There are no praise team thoughts in the Bible.  It is an unscriptural practice. Ever heard of liturgical dancing? That’s where several people dance in such a way as to interpret scripture for the “audience.” Worship? Not according to the Bible. Weird stuff. Right? God’s word is either the truth or it’s not. Truthfully, it’s not Biblical to mix human actions with God’s word for worship.

Garland Van Dyke


Matthews St. church of Christ, PO Box 1522, Bay City, TX 77414

You’re always welcome to attend worship with us on Sundays at 10:30 AM.

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Matthews St. church of Christ

Garland Van Dyke

Call us at: 979.245.8782 or 979.318.2463

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Bay City, TX 77414

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