If You Don’t Come to Jesus

You’ll Miss Earthly Blessings. Did you know God promises His children numerous blessings? It’s true. He promises His children food – they won’t go hungry; clothing – they won’t go naked; shelter – proper housing, Matthew 6:33, NLT. He also promises to be with us every day, every minute. Our heavenly Father never leaves, and Jesus never deserts us, Hebrews 13:5, NLT. God gives everything we need through His design of the world. Meaning? If we want love, we’ll have a good marriage, Ephesians 5:22-33, NLT. If we need mental stimulation, that’s given in numerous ways: wholesome education, Bible reading, and labor. If we desire companionship, we have a relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ, 1 Corinthians 12:12, NLT. If we want salvation, He has already given Jesus and the Bible. God supplies everything needed for His children on earth.

You’ll Miss the Journey. The journey is our way home. Jesus says there’s only one way to heaven, and that’s through Him, John 14:6, NLT. He also said there’s only one path home, and that’s a narrow gate with obstacles along our journey, Matthew 7:13-14. It isn’t easy to walk this path, but it’s the only path we have. It’s OK, though. Jesus is with us every step of the way. It’s not all bad, either. The journey has people coming into our lives for good things, sharing love and burdens, and difficulties that help us grow spiritually. There’s a lot of love along the way.

Indeed, there are difficulties, but God has given the church to help us; we bear one another’s burdens, Galatians 6:2, NLT. We will one day walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and it can be terrifying. But once again, that’s part of the journey, and we know Jesus is waiting for us on the other side. There’s grief, too. Losing a loved one is painful, more than we can bear, but God gives us love in so many ways!

You’ll Miss Out on all the Fun. Fun? Indeed! Its fun being a Christian. The world says just the opposite. Folks say Christianity is boring and no fun at all. We don’t have to get drunk or high to have fun – that’s escapism from a dreary life. We don’t have to share mates with others. God provides intimacy in a healthy marriage. We don’t need to hear the “F” word in movies or read them. Cursing is not the way of Christians; it poisons the air around us. It’s ungodly and unhealthy.

Fun? Sure. It’s fun to share with Christians. We get together, often there’s a feast, we play games designed for fun rather than ungodliness, and we sing and pray. That may sound boring to some, but it’s the best life ever!

Oh, You’ll Miss Heaven. Want a perfect body that never gets old or sick? You can have that in heaven. Want to surround yourself with unsurpassed beauty? Revelation 22, NLT. That’s in heaven, too. Never want to hurt or cry again? God wipes away all tears, Revelation 21:4, NLT. Would you like to experience the glory and the magnificence of God? You only get that in heaven. He’s so bright He illuminates heaven – there’s no need of the sun or lamps, Revelation 22:5, NLT.

And if you miss heaven, you’ll find utmost despair worse than you’ve ever experienced. You’ll join others, the demons, murderers, rapists, the worst of society for thousands of years, and the devil in a pit of everlasting fire. You’ll know you’re separated from God, and there’s never anything you can do about it.

Don’t miss heaven, friends. Walk that narrow, difficult path to the One who created you, where home is, where love and light exist forever.



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Garland Van Dyke

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