Taking everyone to judgment, not to set up a kingdom.
The Bible makes it clear that Jesus will return. Of that day and hour, no one on earth knows. Paul, writing to the Thessalonica church, explained the truth about this event. Paul didn’t want his brethren uninformed. It was then and still is a fundamental doctrine. The church needed to know and understand it.
Paul makes use of the word “sleep.” That’s often used in the New Testament to refer to someone’s death. Thayer’s New Testament Dictionary states the word is metaphorically used in these ways: to still, calm, quiet; to fall asleep, to sleep; and to die. Paul wanted to inform them about those who have died in Christ, i.e., to have died as a Christian.
If you don’t think God exists, that Jesus isn’t the earthly son of God, that He didn’t give His life on the cross for eternal salvation to everyone who believes and obeys Him, or you choose to ignore Him and His message (the gospel – 1 Corinthians 15:1-8), the result is you have no hope of life after death. When you’re dead, you’re dead all over. There is nothing for you on the other side of this life. You are without hope.
However, there is plenty of internal and external evidence of His existence and the miracles He performed. There is proof of His resurrection from the dead, ascension to heaven, and kingship over all the earth. Even as you read this article, Jesus is ruling the church.
The brethren in Thessalonica were confused about what happened to the Saints that had passed and the outcome of those who were alive if Jesus returned in their lifetime. All Christians have hope of eternal life in heaven. Those who’ve passed know the truth of eternal life; Christians alive now wait expectantly for their time in heaven. That’s the way it’s been for over 2,000 years.
Paul tells his brethren that through Jesus, the Father brings Christians who have passed to heaven. The Lord Jesus explained to Paul those who are left until His coming will arise after the faithful dead.
In explaining these things, he tells them the truth about this topic. Jesus will one day descend from heaven, shouting (as of a command) the sound of an archangel (perhaps Gabriel or Michael) and the sound of the trumpet of God (loudly so all on earth hear it), and the dead will rise first to be with the Lord forever.
Now, those espousing false doctrine say Jesus will come to the earth, set up a kingdom, and rule the world for a thousand years. You’ll note that nowhere in the New Testament states that Jesus will set foot on the earth. 2 Peter 3:3-10 states the environs will no longer exist, being destroyed by God with an overwhelming fire.
So then, Christians alive at His return will rise to meet Him in the air and always be with Him.
It’s best, don’t you think, to be a genuine Christian than a non-believer or hypocrite? If you’re alive, you can give your life to Jesus, but you must do so before you die. Jesus said that if anyone chooses to follow Him, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow, according to Mark 10:21.
- Chooses to follow: a determination of the mind that Jesus is worth everything and a willingness to do as He says.
- Deny self: giving up desires, sins, evil words, and behavior.
- Take up your cross: Jesus’ cross led Him to His death; our cross leads us to death, too. It’s not a physical death (although we might need to do this for Jesus), but a spiritual death where we die to sin. The old man of sin dies in baptism, Romans 6:3-5.
- Follow: Faith in our Lord, love of God, and submission to the Lord’s commands.
- The Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1:13-14 guarantees eternal life. God promises eternal life. Jesus promises eternal life, and the Holy Spirit promises.
Jesus told three parables in Matthew 25 about being ready for His return. He told a story about 10 virgins who were invited to a wedding. However, the ten did not know when the bridegroom would come. Five of the women were wise and bought extra lamp oil, and five were not so wise, not buying extra oil. These last ladies asked to borrow from the first ones, but the reply was no in case they would run out of oil. So, the unwise ladies went out to buy more oil. It was while they were gone that the five virgins with extra oil were able to enter with the bridegroom. Each must be prepared and ready for Jesus’ return.
The second parable deals with our responsibilities as Christians. The Lord provided people with the abilities (money, actually) to make a profit. Two acted wisely, making a profit for their Lord. One did nothing with his money. It is implied that the two faithful servants entered heaven while the third was thrown out into outer darkness, Matthew 25:30. Doing nothing does not get you into heaven, but it will get you cast into hell.
The third story is about the final judgment. Some folks helped brethren with their needs, and some didn’t. Assisting brethren is the same as helping Jesus. Jesus said so. Not helping brethren is the same as not helping Jesus. At the end of it all, Jesus separated those who did help from those who didn’t. Those who helped enter heaven. Those who didn’t enter hell.
It’s best to follow Jesus, loving and obeying Him. From Jesus’ mouth, we get that those who do as He commands go to heaven while those who don’t are thrown into hell. The afterlife is permanent; do what you must to enter the heaven side of things.
Garland Van Dyke
Matthews St. church of Christ, 1915 Matthews, PO Box 1522, Bay City, TX 77414
Email: garland.churchofchrist@gmail.com
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