Just the Gospel, Please

There’s danger in a social gospel. A social gospel is one wherein the “gospel” is about improving society. It’s the idea that man’s primary issue consists of social evils, poverty, crime, injustice, etc. The error of this approach lies in relegating, sin, hell, and salvation to the back burner. It’s improving man’s social lot in life instead of getting man into heaven. One may gain quite a following from this persuasion; however, souls may well be lost in this endeavor.

There’s danger in gimmicks. The cry might be, “Let’s try this to get people to church.” Erroneous use of the “bus ministry,” with money or treats under the seats, leads to buying young folk’s attention. When the gimmick grows old or the prizes go away, the same children are nowhere to be found. Then again, feeding everyone at an after-service supper is claimed to be an evangelistic tool. It brings everyone together, closer. Usually, there’s a prayer and a lot of eating, but that’s about it. None or little gospel is being shared. Gimmicks are only that, gimmicks. They don’t bring the gospel to a dark world needing salvation.

Then there’s danger in prosperity preaching. Just believe God’s promises for prosperity in the Bible, and one will be awarded much more physical blessings. It’s sugar-coated preaching. It’s cotton candy for the mind. And it’s a very dangerous offering. Super little is said of hell, sin, faith, salvation, and repentance, if at all. And when one doesn’t get the promised blessing? Disillusionment. Then a falling away from spiritual interest altogether.  Can a person be wealthy and serve Christ? Of course. Many rich saints make great use of their money for God’s purposes, but prosperity preaching focuses on getting, not using.

We want just the gospel. Man is in sin, Romans 3:23 – everyone has sinned; Romans 6:23 – the wages of sin is spiritual death. There will be a day of judgment, and the great majority of souls will be headed to hell, cast into the fire. To avoid the loss of His creation and provide a just way to forgive men their sins, the Father had Jesus come to earth, lead a perfect life, and become the perfect sacrifice offering salvation to all. Jesus was crucified and resurrected, proving God’s plan for salvation. Man must respond to His plan or be eternally lost. The Bible states the gospel is God’s power to salvation, Romans 1:16. The gospel isn’t about improving society’s circumstances, nor is it about tricks to get people to services, and it’s certainly not about gaining earthly wealth. The good news of God, the gospel, is that Jesus has come to deal with man’s sins, offering eternal life in heaven. Just the gospel, please.

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Matthews St. church of Christ

Garland Van Dyke

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