Which came first?
Q1. Which came first?
Birth of AbrahamBirth of MosesThe Flood
Q2. Which came first?
Crossing the Red SeaEntering the Promised LandDeath of Moses
Q3. Which came first?
Death of AbelBirth of SethBirth of Noah
Q4. Which came first?
The Nation of IsraelBirth of JacobDeath of Moses
Q5. Which came first?
Division of the KingdomThe KingsThe Judges
Q6. Which came first?
Q7. Which came first?
King DavidKing SolomonKing Saul
Q8. Which came first?
Entering the Promised LandKing DavidThe Ten Commandments
Q9. Which came first?
MoabitesBirth of LotAmmonites
Q10. Which came first?
Division of the KingdomBabylonian CaptivityBirth of Christ
Name The Twos:
Q11. The first 2 kings of Israel:
Q12. Two sons of Abraham were:
Q13. The first 2 sons of Adam:
Q14. The 2 sons of Isaac:
Q15. The 2 tribes that remained in the Southern Kingdom:
True-False (T or F)
Q16. Abraham once lived in the city of Ur?
Q17. King David reigned in about 1,000 B.C.?
Q18. Moses became the leader of the Israelites after Joshua died?
Q19. God greatly desired that the Israelites have a King?
Q20. Out of the multitudes on the earth only 8 people were saved in the Ark when the flood came?
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Garland Van Dyke
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