The Original church

Prophesied – Daniel, Isaiah and other Old Testament prophets predicted the existence of the church. Jesus predicted it too, Matthew 16:18. It’s important to know that Jesus’ church is the only God-approved church. God says we are to listen to His Son, Matthew 17:5. And we need to know that Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth, Matthew 28:18. Everything and everyone is under Jesus’ power to control, Colossians 1:16.

Began – In Matthew 28:19, Jesus gives the apostles the command to preach the good news about the kingdom of God, the church, and salvation. He told them to make disciples and baptize them. That’s just what the apostles did in Acts 2. They gave the people in Jerusalem reasons why Jesus is the long awaited Messiah, the Christ. The Jews heard that message and came to realize they had taken part in the crucifixion of Jesus, the Son of God. They asked Peter and the apostles what they must do. They had become believers and were penitent of their actions. Peter responded saying, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit,” Acts 2:38. Those that received those words were baptized for the remission of sins. Scripture states Jesus added the baptized believers to His church, Acts 2:41, 47. So began Jesus’ church. Only He is head of His church. There is no pope or man-made organization heading up His church on earth.

Fulfilled – Old Testament prophecies about the church are fulfilled. The church exists right now. Entrance into His church is the same as it was 2,000 years ago. Join us for a study in one of our homes, or, we can come to see you at your home. We’re online at matthewsstreetchurchofchrist (Facebook) and For more info, contact, Garland, at

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Matthews St. church of Christ

Garland Van Dyke

Call us at: 979.245.8782 or 979.318.2463

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Bay City, TX 77414

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