
Dragon, Beasts, and Marks

Category Archives: Bible Study

Dragon, Beasts, and Marks

Satan Tries To Destroy God’s Works Satan tried to destroy everything! It’s true that through his influence, sin and death came into the world, Romans 5:12. He is a murderer and a liar from the beginning; Jesus said so in … Continue reading

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Revelation 19:6, “And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, ‘Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!’ This ‘great multitude’ refers to … Continue reading

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The End Of It All

At some point, according to the Bible, all physical things will come to an end. This includes me, you, everyone (anyone living at the end time), the stars, the earth, the universe, and time. See 1st Peter 4:7, 2nd Peter … Continue reading

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By definition, truth is reality. It’s not what we may assume about truth or necessarily what we believe to be true. Truth is factual. It’s not covered up, nor do inconsistencies adorn it. It is not adulterated.  Untruth can be … Continue reading

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Let’s discuss God’s providence. What is providence, anyway? According to Thayer’s dictionary, “providence” means the forethought to supply needs. The word is used only once in the Bible, in Acts 24:2, but many Bible verses testify that God supplies the … Continue reading

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The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Jesus

The Apostle Paul says this in Philippians 3:8 – “Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count … Continue reading

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Our Father’s Business

Young Jesus’  family went to Jerusalem for the Passover every year, Luke 2:41. As a twelve-year-old, Jesus purposefully stayed behind as the family left Jerusalem. Scripture states that His family went a day’s journey from Jerusalem not knowing He had … Continue reading

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The Book of Life

Your name is in God’s Book of Life, or it’s not. If your name is there, you’ll be admitted to heaven. If not, you’ll be cast (thrown) into hell. Heaven is a far better place to be than hell. That’s … Continue reading

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No Condemnation in Christ Jesus

According to Romans 8, verse 1, there is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus. From chapter seven, we see the conflict between the sinful flesh and the desire to do good. The flesh is sinful, meaning our inordinate desires of … Continue reading

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There is a correct way of thinking, feeling, speaking, and behaving. It’s called righteousness. A righteous person is known as one who shows integrity, virtue, purity of life, and correct  actions. There is also an incorrect way of thinking, feeling, … Continue reading

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The Birth of Jesus Christ Christmas is over, and we’re moving on to a New Year. Many have numerous thoughts about Christmas. Is it a spiritual application? Was Jesus born on December 25th? Do we need candlelight services? If so, … Continue reading

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Dead in Offenses and Sins

Introduction It’s true that without Jesus, we are dead in our offenses and sins. We’re not born in sin; however, the world eventually pulls us into offenses against God. That means sins. We see things we want brought on by … Continue reading

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Working Together With God

Introduction Paul says we work together with God for our spiritual success. We want to go to heaven, of course. We know from Scripture this thought is truth. He’s working with us and we are working with Him. We work … Continue reading

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Unconditional Election

Did God setup salvation this way? First Things First We first must answer the question, “What is Unconditional Election?”. Here is a quote from R. C. Sproul: “God does not foresee an action or condition on our part that induces … Continue reading

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Garland Van Dyke

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